Quick Order
The Quick Order feature gives you the ability to add up to 12 products to your cart from one webpage. Enter the Sku Number or Part Number of each product into its own search box below. The Sku or Part Number must exactly match the Carbide Depot format. The Sku Number contains a 2-8 letter Manufacturer Code, followed by a space, then the manufacturer's EDP Number (typically a 5-7 digit number). If no result is displayed, it means that the EDP or Part Number was not entered in the correct format, or the product is not in our database. (EXAMPLE: KEN 2229656)
Scroll below the boxes for a listing of all of Carbide Depot's Manufacturer Codes.
Manufacturer Codes
Allied Machine & Engineering - AM
Dapra - DAP
Fullerton Tool - FUL
Garr Tool - GT
Hanita - HAN
Hanita - HAN
Harvey - HARVEY
Helical - HELICAL
Iscar - ISC
Kennametal - KEN
Korloy - KORLOY
Kyocera - KY
Kyocera SGS - SGS
Micro 100 - MICRO100
Mitsubishi - MIT
Moldino - MOL
Prototyp - PRO
Prototyp - PRO
Seco - SECO
Sumitomo - SUMI
Titex - TTX
Titex - TTX
Tool-Flo Mfg - TF
Tungaloy-NTK (NTK products) - NTK
Tungaloy-NTK (Tungaloy products) - TT
Walter - WAL
Walter Prototyp - PRO
Walter Titex - TTX
Widia - WID
Widia Hanita - HAN